
Thank you for helping us distribute tens of thousands of books annually, free of charge, to prisoners and individuals in third-world countries. We receive many heartfelt thank-you notes, words of encouragement, and requests for more books. The gratitude from the recipients is overwhelming.

For every dollar donated, we send out one book for ministry distribution. While our actual costs are slightly higher than $1.00 per book, profits from our company help subsidize this project, and your contributions are instrumental in making this initiative possible.

Donations can be made via PayPal, thanks to its low-cost program for nonprofits, or via check. Thank you for your continued support.

Donate securely via PayPal or credit card:

Donate Now

Donate via check or money order to:
P.O. Box 652
Abbotsford, WI 54405

Thank you for your partnership in this endeavor.